File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_1999/postcolonial.9908, message 50

Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 20:49:53 -0500
Subject: Theory at the End of the Millennium, Dec 16-18, 1999, Goa 

From: Sura P. Rath <>
To:   Poco List
Date: 21 August 1999
Subject: Conference program "Theory at the End of the Millennium"
         December 16-18, 1999  University of Goa (India)

Theory at the End of the Millennium
Second Annual Conference  of the Forum on Contemporary Theory
University of Goa, 16-18 December 1999
Preliminary Program 

Thursday  16 December 1999
Session 1  (9:00-10:15 A.M.)
A.  Postmodernism
1.  "Enemies of the Text: Art/Essentialism/Experiential Thisness in 
Gardner/Barth/Barthelme/Robbe-Grillet"   G. Timothy Gordon, Providence 
College (Taiwan)
2.  "DeLillo's Challenge to Theory"  David Cowart, (USA)
3.  "Counter-hegemonic Practices"  Gad Horowitz, University of Toronto 

B.  Boundaries of State: Nationalism
1.  "Scientific Utopia: A Wonderful Impossibility"  George Waddington, 
University of Texas-Austin (USA)
2.  "Ethnonationalism: Politics, Identity, Desire" Stevan Vukovic, 
Akademieplein (The Netherlands)
3.  "Geographies of Identity"  Christine Williams, University of 
Technology, Sydney (Australia)

Session 2   (10:30-12:00 noon)
	A.  Ecocriticism: Theorizing the Environment
1.  "Ecocriticism and Poetic Ecology" Helena Feder, Boston College (USA)
2.  "Risk Society: Constructions of Environment" Vian Bakir, Falmouth 
College of Arts (UK)
3.  "From Spatial Totalitarianism to Contextual Discourse and Place: A 
Re-reading of the Transgression of Boundaries in e.e.cummings's Poetry, 
from the perspective of Ecocriticism"   J. Etienne Terblanche, 
University of Che (South Africa)

B.  Sexuality/Gender
1.  "Denial of Sexuality and Gender Roles in Doris Lessing's The Grass 
is Singing" Meral Cileli, Middle East Technical University, Ankara 
2.  "Slavery and Religion in the Mapping of the Indian Ocean `World'"  
Shobana Shankar, University of California-Los Angeles (USA)
3.  Gendering Nationalism, Engendering Communalism: Sexuality and 
Identity in Raja Rao's Kanthapura"  Anshuman Mondal, University of 
London (UK)

12 noon-1:30 P.M.	Lunch

Session 3    (1:30-2:45 p.m.)
A.  Gender/Desire
1. "Homely Housewives Run Amok: Lesbians in Transnational Marital Fixes" 
 Geeta Patel, Wellesley College (USA)
2. "Queer Desire: Postcolonial Satire"  Anindya Roy, Colby College (USA)
3. Geopathologies of Postcolonial Desire: Foreclosing the Lesbian in 
Deepa Mehta's Fire"  Anjali Arondekar, Smith College (USA)
4. Respondent: Kath Weston, Arizona State University (USA)

B.  Women in Development
1. "Unsettling Scenarios: Approaching Development, Environment, and 
Gender Differently"  Priya Kuriyan and David McKie, University of 
Waikato (New Zealand)
2. "The State and Ideology of Development in the Twenty-first Century: 
Implications for Women's Citizenship in India"  Rachel Simon Kumar, 
University of Waikato (New Zealand)
3. "Gendered Narratives of Sikh Nationalism: A Comparative Feminist 
Reading"  Harveen Sachdev Mann, Loyola University of Chicago (USA)
4. "Sati, Sweatshops, Binthies, and Menthies: The Production and 
Consumption of South Asian Women"  Nirmal Puwar, Leicester University 

Session 4  (3:00-4:15 p.m.)
A.  Identities
1. "Appropriate Subversion: Postcolonial Contexts and Potentiated Gay 
Identity Politics in India"  Maya Singh Dodd and Eric Tribunella, 
University of Florida (USA)
2. "Framing the Floating World: Bessie Head's A Question of Power 
(1974)"  Robert Burton, California State University-Chico (USA)
3. "Lewinsky's Mouth and the Fragmentation of Identity"  Steven Carr, 
Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne (USA)

B.  Sexualities, Genders, Cultures: Framing the Postcolonial Subject I
1. "Bauhaus Dream-House: War and the Crisis of Imperial Masculinity"  
Katerina Ruedi,, University of Illinois-Chicago (USA)
2. "Race and Sexuality in Contemporary Cultural Studies in the North"  
Paul Smith (USA)
3. "Miscegenations: Matisse's Blue Nude and the Deconstruction of 
Difference"  Alastair Wright, Richmond University, London (UK)

Session 5 (4:30-5:45 p.m.)
A.  Sexualities, Genders, Cultures: Framing the Postcolonial Subject II
1. "Engendering Deviance: Sexuality, Cultural Politics, and the 
Impossibility of Representation"  Sudeep Dasgupta, Amsterdam School of 
Communications Research (The Netherlands)
2. "Growing Up Between Feminine Personal or Cultural Identity"  Antonia 
Navarro-Tejeero, Universidad de Huelva (Spain)
3. "Cliffhanger: Lynching and Sexuality/Feminism and Race"  Meredith 
Miller, University of Sussex (UK)

B.  Postcolonialism/Imperialism
1. "Antoinette's Victimization [Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea]"  Nursel 
Icoz, Middle Eastern Technological University  (Turkey)
2. "Subversion in Women's Fiction: The Presentations of Power Relations 
and Alienation in Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things and Jean 
Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea"  U. Jayachandran, Eastern Cape (South Africa)
3. "How Useful is Postcolonial Theory in the Korean Context?"  Jongmi 
Kim, London School of Economics and Political Science (UK)

Friday, 17 December 1999
Session  6 (8:30-9:45 a.m.)
A.  Sexualities, Genders, Cultures: Framing the Postcolonial Subject III
1. "Queering Queer Theory: At the Intersection of Class and Sexuality"  
Vivyan Adair and Dzu Vien Bui, Hamilton College, New York (USA)
2. "Law and the Postcolonial Queer Subject in South Asia: Mapping New 
Terrain"   Sonia Kumari Katyal, Independent Scholar (USA)
3. "Pasolini and the Scandalous Body of the Scapegoat"  Maurizio Viano, 
Wellesley College (USA)

	B.  Culture/Trade
1. "Indian Ocean Stories" Devleena Ghosh and Stephen Muecke, University 
of Technology, Sydney (Australia)
2. "The Politics of dancing: Deconstructing jouissance"  Jeremy Gilbert, 
University of East London (UK)
3. "Trading in Genes: Colonialism and the Capitalization of Human 
Biology"  Julia Ravell, Curtin University  (Australia)
Session 7 (10:00-11:15 a.m.)
	A.  Postcolonial feminism
1. "Bidding Women Hold Their Tongues: A Postcolonial and Black Feminist 
Critique of Nation, Narration, and Postcolonialism"  Namita Goswami, 
Emory University (USA)
2. "Relocating Asian American Education: At the Intersection of 
Postcolonialism and Feminist Theory"  Nina Asher, Louisiana State 
University-Baton Rouge (USA)
3. "Fast Feminism"   Shannon Bell, York University (Canada)

A.  Travel/Tourism/Cultural Politics
1.  "Under the Volcanoes: Sex Tourism in Erskine Lane's Game Texts"  
Daniel Balderston, University of Iowa (USA)
2.  "Practice, Power, and the Politics of Place: Music Tourism vs. 
Intellectual Nationalism in Goa"  Arun Saldanha,, Free University of 
Brussels (Belgium)
3.  "Twenty-first Century Imperial Lathers: Colonial Soaps, Western 
Complexions, and the Public Relations Spin Cycle"  Debashish Munshi, 
University of Waikato (New Zealand)
4.  "Travel for Religion: Geographic Movement and Community Formation"  
Sondra L. Hausner, Cornell University (USA)

Session 8 (11:30-12:45 p.m.)
	A.  Theorizing Space: Architecture 
1.  "Validity of the Theory of Place in Relation to Architecture"  Rajiv 
Wanasundera, Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)
2.  "Signifying Space for a  Contemporary Architectural Thought"  Meghal 
Arya, Ahmedabad (India)
3.  "Translations from Text to Space"  Aarti Kanekar, Georgia Tech 
University (USA)
4.  "The Post-Secular Nose: Religious Difference and the Territories of 
the Body"  Amardeep Singh, Duke University (USA)

B.  Cyberculture/Film
1.  Going Native: The Y2K `Bug' and Cybercultural Fantasies of the 
Primitive"  Terry Harpold and Kavita Philips, Georgia Institute of 
Technology (USA)
2.  "The Placement of Asian Americans as the `Feminized Other': A 
Political Pawn to Create Binary"  Rita Verma, University of 
Wisconsin-Madison (USA)
3.  "Locating Aesthetics: The Geopolitics of Film Theory, Sexual 
Difference, and the Postcolonial Nation"  Ashwani Sharma, University of 
East London (UK)
12:45-2:00 p.m.	Lunch

Session 9 (2:00-3:15 p.m.)
A.  Global/Local: Constructions of Nationhood
1.  "Theorizing Terrorism: Anti-American Violence and Globalization in 
the Neocolonial Frame"  Zahid Chaudhary, Cornell University (USA)
2.  "Loving Haunted Spaces: Ramgopal Verma's Rath/Night and Ipeyi/Ghost" 
Lalitha Gopalan, Georgetown University (USA)

B.  Representations of Male/Female Bodies
1.  "Muscularity and Its Ramifications: Mimetic Male Bodies in Indian 
Mass Culture"  Kajri Jain, University of Sydney (Australia)
2.  "`I Feel a Little Discombobulated': Female Troubles in Pulp Fiction 
and Mystery Train"  Hilary Johnson, Wellesley College (USA)
3.  "Songs and Sexuality in Hindi Cinema" Monika Mehta, University of 
Minnesota (USA)

Session 10 (3:30-5:00 p.m.)
A.  Locations of Culture
1.  "[Re/Dis]Locations of Culture: Photographs and Poems of a Goan 
Indian"  Brian Mendonca, Oxford University Press (India)
2.  "Multimodality of Culture and Intertextuality: Transgression of 
Boundaries" Mikko Lehtonen (Finland) 
3.  "Critical Multiculturalism: crossing borders of difference?"  Sanjay 
Sharma, University of East London (UK)

B.  Identities
1.  "When Education = Loss of Femininity and Womanhood: Political 
Awareness and the Art of Being a Woman [in Manju Kapur's Difficult 
Daughters]"  Rashmi Ramachandran, University of Louisville (USA)
2.  "Laxmi Kannan's India Gate: The Need for a Polyvocal Feminist 
Criticism"  Lalita Ramamurthy, All Saints College, Trivandrum (India)
3.  "Amanat's Indar Sabha: Constructing Hybrid Identities on the 19th 
Century Hindi-Urdu Stage"  Afroz Taj,, North Carolina State University 
4.  "Mother(s) of Invention: Prostitute Actresses of the Late 19th 
Century Bengali Theatre"  Sudipto Chatterjee, Tufts University (USA)

 Saturday, 18 December 1999
Session  11  (8:30-9:45 a.m.)
A.  Theorizing Business Strategy
Chair:  Sam Hariharan, University of Southern California
1.  "Nationalism vs. Globalism: Strategy Dialogues in an Era of 
Globalization"  Sam Hariharan, University of Southern California (USA)
2.  "Collaborative Dialogues in Innovation"  Arivind Bhambri, University 
of Southern California (USA)
3.  "Dialogues in Creativity"  Prasad Subramaniam, Capital Inc., New 
Delhi (India)

B.  Theorizing History/Historicity
1.  "1948/1998: Periodizing Black Britain"  James Proctor, University of 
Stirling (Scotland)
2.  "Shifting Theoretical categories and Reevaluation of Authors"  
Richard Serrano, Rutgers University (USA)
3.  "Re-Placing the Race/Sexuality Nexus in Colonial and Postcolonial 
Discourse Studies"  Henry Schwartz, Georgetown University (USA)

Session 12 (10:00-11:15 a.m.)
A.  Colonial Encounters
1.  "The Language of Nations and Nation's Languages"  Sarah McKibben, 
Cornell University (USA) 
2.  "Cross-Cultural Colonial Encounter as a Shamanic Mystery: The Case 
of `Karain: A Memory' by Joseph Conrad"   Wieslaw Krajka, Marie 
Curie-Sklodovska University (Poland)
3.  "National Literatures and the Process of Globalization"  Manuel 
Frias Martins, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)

B.  International Trade(s) Queer masculinities East and West, High and 
Chairs:  Richard Cante, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
	  Thomas Waugh, Concordia University, Montreal 
1.  "Subcontinentally Queer vs. Homosexually Coloured: Inside/Outside 
Views of a Writer"  R. Raj Rao, University of Pune (India)
2.  "Homosociality, Homoeroticism, Autoeroticism in Recent Indian 
Parallel Cinema" Thomas Waugh, Concordia University, Montreal (Canada)
3.  "The World of All-Male Video Porn: A Primer in Textual and 
Geopoliticalk Economies"  Richard C. Cante, University of North 
Carolina, Chapel Hill (USA)
4.  "Pornoeschatology (of the Second World), Or, Dreaming of Communism 
with Giorgio Agamben"  Cesare Casarino, University of Minnesota (USA)

Session 13 (11:30-12:45 p.m.)
A.  Humanism
1.  "Late Humanism: Orientalism at the Millennium"  Anthony 
Alessandrini,, Rutgers University (USA) 
2.  "An Ethical Antihumanism? Frantz Fanon's Black Skin, White Mask"  
Samir Dayal, Bentley College (USA)
3.  "The Orientalization of Memory in the Work of Michael Ondaatje"  
Christina Faulk, Australian National University (Australia)
4.  International Penetrability of Aesthetically Relevant Texts of 
Culture as a problem of Aesthetics"  G. I. Bogin, Tver (Russia)

B.  Questions of Identity
1.  "Whiteness and the Topical assignation of Race"  Joseph Pugliese, 
University of Wollongong (Australia)
2.  "Otherness Unbound: From Wuthering Heights to La Migration des 
Coeurs"  Laryssa Mykyta, North Carolina State University (USA)
3.  "Quest for Identity: A Socio-Geographical Perspective"  T. S. 
Chandra Mouli, Hyderabad (India)

12:45-2:00 P.M.  	Lunch

Session 14 (2:00-3:15 p.m.)
A.  Representations
1.  "Sikh Women, Nationalism, and gender in Bhisam Sahni's Tamas, 
Khuswant Singh's Train to Pakistan, and Gulzar's Maachis"  Jaspal Kaur 
Singh, University of California-Los Angeles (USA)
2.  "La Malinche: Signified in Mexican Culture"  David Shoemaker, 
University of Maine (USA)
3.  "Riding on a White Horse to the World Trade Center: The Problematic 
Eroticization of India and Indian Weddings in the U.S."  Rachana 
Sachdev, Susquehanna University (USA)

B. Questioning Theory
1.  "The Paradox of Theory: Literary Theory as the New Canon"  Michael 
Mahin, Claremont Graduate University (USA)
2.  "Boundary Policing: Academic Journals, Business Organizations, and 
Social Issues"  David McKie, University of Waikato (New Zealand)
3.  "return to Sources of Philosophy"  Olexiy Bilyk, Pedagogical 
Institute of Berdyansk, and Yaroslav Bilyk, Kharkiv State University  

For information:
Sura Rath
Louisiana State University in Shreveport
Phone/Fax:  318-797-5296

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