Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 08:06:52 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Subject: Re: (Fwd) Is Your Thesis for Sale? As an "oldster", back in the 70s I was pleased that UMI made my diss available but I also knew that given the complications of publication, only about 10 universities in love with Canadian drama might buy it. With online developments and a hot topic, the situation might be far less pleasing to someone trying to turn the diss into a book. terry Terry Goldie English Department York University North York, Ontario Canada M3J 1P3 voice: 416-604-3670 fax: 416-736-5412 email: On Fri, 11 Aug 2000, radhika_gajjala wrote: > but doesn't it look as though all they are doing is providing access to > dissertations that are already accessible via "on-the-ground-libraries" but via > the web? They are saying in their "where do dissertations come from" section > that they get access to our dissertations through the UMI program... > > is it "bad" coz it's interface is online - just throwing out some questions. I > haven't really decided what to "believe" at this point. I see this as one of > several confusing, problematic issues that arise in a "emerging" media > context/use. > > r > > > > > > --- from list --- > --- from list ---
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