Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 02:56:35 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Post-postcolonial theory In responding to the demand for alternatives to institutionalized forms of postcolonial theory, I completely support the search for new forums and forms. I have been thinking about these issues for a while, and was able to tentatively formulate some factors involved in this quest. Just to throw some ideas out there, perhaps what needs to be attended to is: --Epistemology : what kinds of terms and categories are being employed in postcolonial discourse.. Are they being re-invested with new valences, or just re-applied uncritically. --Audience: Just exactly _who_ is reading all the stuff classified as "postcolonial theory?" Is there a need to extend the audience, or seek new ones? --Archive: What kinds of sources are used for most postcolonial theorization. Reading the French post-structuralists seems mandatory, and quite a waste of time. Any thoughts on this issue? Best, Maya Dodd. --- from list ---
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