File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2000/postcolonial.0008, message 113

Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 06:54:54 -0400
Subject: Re: Thesis for Sale/UMI and US context

Now that we have more information, I have a feeling most of the "panic"
around contentville is like the panics associated with most "new media"
uses. When one sees one's dissertation listed, one just assumes its "online"
- but actually its not - it just listed. Isn't it actually a "good" thing if
people can access our dissertations more easily?

At 09:05 PM 8/11/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I have a question about this whole problem. In the past, UMI provided paper
>copies of dissertations and M.A. theses deposited with them at about the
>same cost (US$60) that this new company is charging. Since UMI has sold its
>rights in the business, is there any reason to oppose this, given that no
>one opposed it when UMI did the same? I'm assuming that the only people
>interested in purchasing theses are doing research themselves, and want to
>be able to use a paper copy, easier to deal with than microfiche, since most
>people don't have readers at home. If people are purchasing said theses in
>order to pass them off as their own, then I would bring legal action.
>Otherwise, I wonder if the company isn't simply continuing UMI's business of
>making theses available to the interested public. 
>Cheers, Lisa
>>From: Elizabeth Deloughrey <>
>>Subject: Thesis for Sale/UMI and US context
>>Date: Fri, Aug 11, 2000, 4:10 PM
>>Hi Folks
>>I consulted 2 librarians for the US context. Here are their responses:
>>>Contentville has some big backers - there was an artilce about it in the
>>New Yorker a few weeks ago ,although the article apparently hasnt been
>>indexed yet because I cant find the citation.
>>Apparently they have made deals with ingram (a big book distirbutor), Bell
>>and Howell and a few of the other huge corporations that own the rights to
>>published stuff.  (Bell and Howell owns UMI who microfilms all the
>>dissertations.  And sells them, btw)
>>>This may refer to a joint project underway between UMI and the Library of 
>>Congressm-- it was mentioned in a NYTimes spread in the "Circuits" section 
>>a couple of weeks ago.  As its been explained to us, traditional copyright 
>>and royalty distribution regulations are being observed for electronic 
>>publications.  We'll be discussing this within my department (Collection 
>>Development) this fall;  I'll keep you posted on what I learn.
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Radhika Gajjala

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