File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2000/postcolonial.0008, message 116

Subject: poco writers wanted
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 21:59:01 +0200

poco writers wanted

Dear Listmembers,

Africa Diaspora, international Africa centred French language newspaper, is
not what you will consider as a poco newspaper.

However and going by reactions to our editorial policy, many observers came
to the conclusion that our write-ups perfectly integrate issues of concern
to poco theory in that, apart from practical economic, cultural and social
information, we focus on making anti African racism socially unacceptable,
on promoting African cultural dignity and business and bridging gaps between
African communities of Africa and African related nationalities around the
world. So my proposition to you all is this...

provided you read and write French and are willing to produce short articles
(250 words) on issues dealing with and elucidating causes, manifestations
and effects of anti African racism which includes colonial, neo-colonial and
racial violence, (in such institutions as institions of learning - at all
levels, public administrations, employments, inter-cultural marriages and
living experiences, then I shall be glad to publish against standard
remuneration (in accordance with official French basic French regulations on
remunerating beginners in journalism - which I suppose would mean peanuts
for you) but which would exemplify our disposition to encourage researchers,
teachers, students of poco theories to make issues of their studies more
widespread through general public awareness in mass media.

By way of introduction, Africa Diaspora is meant for the new income
generation and dynamic readers in Africa (French and English speaking),
Europe, Canada and Louisiana (and beyond in US). Our maiden issue will hit
news stands in more than 83 countries from 25th day of August this year.
Circulation figures is envisaged to reach an average of 100,000 copies over
the first 11 issues (Africa Diaspora will publish eleven issue every year).

We still have some difficulties to iron out with our prospective
distributors in the US, Australia and Canada. Such difficulties cropped up,
even in the Carribbean Island countries, and have just been resolved.

What I suggest is for anyone interested to get a copy from any nearby
habitual news vendor, grasp the editorial policy and send in sample topics.
I could send an executive summary of the content of the current issue (in
English) to anyone making the request but obviously, subscription enables
follow up of contents.

I remain at your disposal for any further information.

Best regards
Ibrahim Alabi ORIDOTA

83, rue Michel-Ange
75016 Paris

Phone +33 1 41 31 55 00 (we are GMT, official working time is 35 hours a
week - I never manage to count mine but I am often out of seat)
Mobile : +33 6 60 19 60 80 (always open except in restricted areas)
Fax : +33 1 46 04 39 31 (a modem - hit send after msg and tone)
E-mail :

Pour contacter le directeur de la publication Africa Diaspora :
Pour s'abonner à Africa Diaspora :
Le site internet est encore en cours de finalisation. Le
règlement pr paiement sécurisé est néanmoins possible dès à présent.

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