File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2000/postcolonial.0008, message 12

Subject: RE: What is "bacra"?
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 15:41:52 -0400

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>Dear Members,
Reading Walcott's <Pantomime>, I found the word, "bacra."   I guess it means
boss, sahib and so on.  It's not in OED, Webster, etc.  Any body got any
clue to the origin and use of the the word?
Thanks in advance,

There's conflicting views on the origins--some say it's from "back raw"
while others trace it to a west African word which I can't remember now. Liz


>Dear Members,
Reading Walcott's <Pantomime>, I found the word, "bacra."   I guess it means boss, sahib and so on.  It's not in OED, Webster, etc.  Any body got any clue to the origin and use of the the word?
Thanks in advance,
There's conflicting views on the origins--some say it's from "back raw" while others trace it to a west African word which I can't remember now. Liz
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