Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 17:14:57 -0400 Subject: RE: Palestine Refugee Return March/US: List of Organizational Sponsors Have you seen this? Seems like the march is going to be pretty huge. Speaking of huge, did you buy a giant econo-sized laptop last night? Hope I sounded sympathetic about the failure of the office in Egypt to get in touch with you--that's pretty awful of them. I'm supposed to have dinner tonight with Kevin's brother and father, who are visiting from Texas, which might be good for some humorous anecdotes. I'll try to give you a call tomorrow. Tony >===== Original Message From ====>Dear Friends, > >The following is a listing in alphabetical order of the thirty one US-based >organizations that have so far sponsored/endorsed and are working to promote >and support Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition's September 16 >2000 Palestine Refugee Return March in Washington DC. Please review these >and provide additions at your earliest convenience so we can update the >information at and include this list in announcements and >other releases. Chapters of organizations mentioned below may be >included in updated listings at upon request. Further >information about the September 16 2000 event is provided at > > >1. American & Palestinians for Peace (AMPAL, >2. American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC, >3. American Committee on Jerusalem (ACJ, >4. American Muslims for Jerusalem (AMJ, >5. Arab American Action Network (AAAN, >6. Arab American Institute (AAI, >7. Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS, > >8. Arab Women's Solidarity Association (AWSA, >9. Beir Zeit Society >10. Carolina Palestinian Club (CPC) >11. Carolina Middle East Association (CMEA) >12. Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR, >13. Committees for a Democratic Palestine - Northern California >14. Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR, >15. DC Coalition to Stop the War Against Iraq >16. Friends for a Democratic Palestine - Chicago >17. Grassroots International ( >18. Hammerhard Mediaworks-Chicago >19. Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (HLCEF) >20. International Action Center (IAC, >21. Islamic Center of Pittsburgh >22. Jubilee 2000, NY ( >23. MADRE ( >24. Middle East Crisis Committee ( >25. Middle East Cultural and Charitable Society Inc. >26. Palestine Committee - Michigan >27. Sabeel - New England ( >28. SEARCH for Justice and Equality in Israel/Palestine, Boston >( >29. Trans Arab Research Institute (TARI, >30. Union of Arab Student Associations (UASA, > >31. Visions for peace with justice in Israel/Palestine >( > >A sample letter to send to other organizations seeking their >sponsorship/endorsement is provided below. > >To order rally T-Shirts, please visit > >To help defray the cost of the Palestine Refugee Return March and Rally, >address donations to: > >PRRC, The Palestine Right To Return Coalition >PO Box 401 >Hummelstown, Pa 17036 >e-mail: >Web: >Fax:717-832-1123 > >Organizations wishing to support and sponsor the Palestine Refugee Return >March are requested to contact PRRC at the above address. > >In solidarity, >Zahi > >------------------------------------------ >Sample letter to Organizations: > >Below is a sample letter requesting organizational support. Please use it to >recruit such support in your areas. We ask that you inform us whom >you are contacting in advance by sending a message with that information to > We hope this information will help to minimize >duplication of effort, and also allow us to determine potential deficiencies >in our organizational recruitment endeavors. >____ > >Name of person in charge >Name of Organization >Address > >Dear ____: > >We are writing to ask for your active support of the September 16, 2000 >Palestine Refugee Return March and Rally which will be held in the nation's >capital. This march/rally is being organized by Al-Awda, The Palestine Right >to Return Coalition (PRRC), a broad-based global, non-partisan, democratic >association of grassroots activists and organizational representatives with >diverse ethnic, political, and religious affiliation. Our objective is to >educate the international community to fulfill its legal and moral >obligations vis-a-vis Palestinian refugees based on The Universal >Declaration of Human Rights, International Law and through the >implementation of United Nations Resolutions upholding the inalienable right >of Palestinians to return to their homes and lands and to restitution of all >their confiscated and destroyed property. > >The aim of the Palestine Refugee Return March is to send a loud and clear >message to the world that no everlasting peace in the Middle East is >possible without granting the Palestinian people living in exile their >inalienable right to return to their homes and lands. The rally will also >commemorate the 18th anniversary of the massacre of over two thousand >innocent Palestinians and Lebanese in the refugee camps of Sabra and >Shatila. Those massacres underscore the fact that Palestinian refugees will >never enjoy long-lasting security unless they are permitted to return to >their towns and villages. > >We are writing to ask you to make a serious commitment to the September 16, >2000 Palestine Refuge Return March in the following ways: > >(1) To help mobilize the community in numbers so as to have a large turnout, >we ask that you encourage your members to attend by phone calling them, and >by sending them regular updated email announcements about the march and >rally, as well as advertising the rally in each issue of your newsletter >from now till September 16, 2000. Our updated flyer (in PDF format) and >announcements are posted at We ask that you make a link >from your website to > >(2) Encourage members of your organization to publicize The Palestine >Refugee Return March/Rally in other newsletters, newspapers, meetings and >events, and to join or form local committees to mobilize their community and >build coalitions and outreach to facilitate participation from local areas >in the DC rally on 16 September. > >(3) Facilitate participation of your members by organizing group >transportation and/or accommodation. An extensive listing of available >accommodation in the DC area will be posted at shortly. >Please inform us in advance of September 16 how many of your members will be >attending. > >(4) Make a financial contribution to help with associated costs of the rally >such as publicity, advertisements, cultural performances, and sponsoring of >a speaker for the event. Invited speakers will come from Palestine, >Lebanon, South Africa and the US and include representatives from the >Palestinian refugee camps. Please address your donation to PRRC, P.O. Box >401, Hummelstown, Pa 17036. > >(5) Place an advertisement for your organization or business in the program >that we will >distribute during the rally. The cost of a full-page ad is $500, half-page >is $300 and quarter page is $175. List advertising is at $50. Center-spread >is at $1000, back page at $800 and inside cover at $700. We require a glossy >print-ready photo of your ad. Please send it to PRRC, P.O. Box Hummelstown, >Pa 17036 with your payment by August 22. > >A global, grassroots movement is forming to ensure that the Palestine >refugee right to return to their homes and lands are not compromised. PRRC >is part of this effort and appeals to your organization to join us. For the >sake of Palestinians in the refugee camps and the future of their children >and children's children, their voices must be heard. > >We look forward to your response. > >In solidarity, > >[Sign your name here] > > > > > > > > > > > > > --- from list Anthony C. Alessandrini Assistant Professor of English Kent State University Kent, OH 44242 (330) 672-1725 --- from list ---
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