File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2000/postcolonial.0008, message 125

Subject: RE: Contentville and UMI
Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 02:36:10 -0400

>I'm certainly troubled by the thought of my current thesis-in-progress
ending up
being hawked in a less-than-sympathetic way by some contractor to the
institution. OTOH, I don't see much I can do about it, and anyway the idea
of this academic thing is that it's supposed to spread ideas, right?

I have been told (and this is only hearsay, mind you) that in copyright
infringement cases, much is made about when the author/artist begins the
process of reclaiming copyright. That is to say that your case for
entitlement can be undermined if you decide to complain about infringement
months or years after the infringement has taken place. I know this has
happened in the music world but as this type of distribution is so new, it's
hard to say whether this is relevant. Liz

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