Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 08:47:11 -0400 Subject: postcolonial "Theory" - location of Theory and contexts of practice My header says it all:) As Danny's post indicated, - questions about "theory" can sometimes seem "anti-intellectual" "anti-theory" - further widening up an imagined gap between (elite) Theory and (romanticised, pure) Practise. This binary - this almost necessary separation in the very articulation of Theory is sometimes the problem of Academic (and Corporate - but they don't claim to be self-reflexive or not self-serving with as much vehemence as some of us try to:) - they just say they are right) form - a problem that in another way "merges" Theory and Practise in unproblematic ways (different from "antitheory" or "atheoretic" erasures of the implicitness of Theory in everything we write do etc...) and erases *context* - the fluidity and complexity of context (and I am not talking french theorists here, although "fluid" seems to be a word very much associated with the "posts"...that Maya suggested we are leaning too much on...) In both cases - there is a de-politicization that happens. Even with the self-reflexivity that Sam mentions (a "self-reflexivity" that we have learned to perform so appropriately postcolonially and intellectually from our still often unproblematised locations maybe?) the postcolonial intellectual/writer/artist (even postcolonial intellectuals geographically located in "real non-Western" contexts) becomes "representative." Mar's earlier post addressed the topic a little too - the issue of theory and practice in relation to how our theorizing flattens complex contexts needs a lot of struggling with... I'm not suggesting by the way - that our attempts in themselves are insincere or self-centered or un-self-reflexive. We may not even engage these questions if that was totally true? r **************************************************** Radhika Gajjala --- from list ---
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