File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2000/postcolonial.0008, message 134

Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 11:59:52 -0500
Subject: Re: vietnamese issue of Illuminations

Dear Professor Lewis,

Would you please let me know the procedure for ordering  _Illuminations_ 16?


Jim Fairhall
English Dept.
DePaul University 

>>> <> 07/28/00 15:14 PM >>>
List-members may be interested in the publication of _Illuminations_ 16,
"Vietnamese Voices, American Views" as announced below:

			* * * * * * * * * * 

The College of Charleston is pleased to announce the publication of issue
16 of Illuminations, an international magazine of contemporary writing
supported by the Department. of English.  In order to mark the 25th
anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, the new issue "Vietnamese
Voices, American Views" contains a selection of 16 poems by 12 Vietnamese
and Vietnamese-American writers, including such prominent prize-winning
poets as Lam Thi My Da and Te Hanh.  American views of Vietnam are covered
in an extensive interview with novelist and Vietnam veteran Tim O'Brien
(whose 1979 novel Going After Cacciato won the National Book Award for
fiction), and in an interview with photographer and former Marine Craig
Barber, 2 of whose highly atmospheric photographs lend visual luster to
the magazine.

In addition to the Vietnam-related material, Illuminations 16 carries an
impressive range of poetry from the US, the UK, and South Africa, as well
as three poems by Hungarian Sandor Kanyadi, little known in this country
but tipped as a potential Nobel Prize-winner.  

Individual issues of the magazine cost $10.  Subscriptions (3 annual 
issues) cost $20.  For further information, contact Simon Lewis at
843-953-1993 or  

			* * * * * * * *

Simon Lewis
Department of English
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston SC, 29424-0001
Te: 843-953-1993; Fax: 843-953-3180

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