File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2000/postcolonial.0008, message 141

Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 23:30:51 -0700
Subject: Re: Post-postcolonial theory

bob brown said: "i'm just mystified as to how you go about applying these 
bodies of theory to solving the problems of every day life.........."

Its a little like patting yourself on the head and rubbing your tummy at 
the same time...its a skill.....not everyone can do it....
but since I have a tap root that still remembers when "Rote Rosa" came to 
visit and from which anarchists spring inter-generationally I would have to 
say that there is activism and there is activism....I wear tri-focals now 
in my older age....I am glad for a lenses that let me see at different 
depths...without them I see a lot less....theory works in a similar way for 
me....its software, not hardware....

I have to agree to some extent with Danny - what the hell is REAL....
Disneyland is REAL but is it REAL.....and if it isn't REAL what/who is 
REALER than another....the Manifesto is a grand theory, a grand 
narrative.....a pretty cosy frame to be REAL in....subversiveness and 
resistance come in many guises....Up here in Canada, marxist theory is 
basic stuff...what is its status in the US?

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