Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 00:55:49 -0700 Subject: Re: theory and marx At 03:33 AM 8/14/00 -0400, you wrote: >and secondly i'd like to know just how poco, post-structuralist, or >post-modern >theory etc. has helped their practice. this is not a rhetorical or facetious >question. i'm just mystified as to how you go about applying these bodies of >theory to solving the problems of every day life.......... and by the way >the Manifesto is the highest form of theory, that which actually guides >practice. As an activist/academic, I find that the theory's been extremely useful in thinking about my activism's representational strategies, which are immensely important when trying to change minds and inspire critical thinking. Also, I suppose this question hangs on the larger question of what counts as "activism." Mimi Nguyen --- from list ---
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