Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 16:21:08 -0400 Subject: Re: Post-postcolonial theory Terry, this is what I understand from some other "activist" side of the continuum friends/colleagues - which is why I'm suggesting the binary is "false" - yet "real" in the way it works to set up the imagined dchotomy (am i making sense - maybe not - but i tried:)). Mac - I enjoyed reading your experience within Teaching contexts. As someone who uses poco theory within a non-literature area of study - In classrooms (I teach "communication theory" and we do not have special courses on "postcolonial theory and communication" yet), I am faced with a slightly different set of issues in my "theory" classes where I get to pull in poco as one of several "approaches" to the study of communication - perhaps this is where some of my questions are coming from. In addition, my questions come from the fact that, at the moment my co-author on one of my ongoing "projects" (or her ongoing "projects") is not only from outside the official Academy, she is also working in contexts totally different from mine (but whether or not all people on this list would consider her "activist" i can't say). So I really appreciated all the recent comments and discussions. thanks, r At 02:57 PM 8/14/00 -0400, you wrote: >I have trouble with the concern for "application" of poco theory. I am not >an activist but I was one in my youth and most discussion of the ins and >outs of political philosophy seemed to me quite pointless in that context. >Those discussions made me decide where to stand but they told me little >about what to do from where I was standing. As an activist I was much more >concerned as to what should be done and how to do it. >terry > >Terry Goldie >English Department >York University >North York, Ontario >Canada >M3J 1P3 >voice: 416-604-3670 >fax: 416-736-5412 >email: > > > > > --- from list --- > > **************************************************** Radhika Gajjala --- from list ---
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