Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 13:02:36 -0700 Subject: Re: Query: On Abacha -- Strange email Anyone can put the names of list members in their address books and make solicitations....sort of list-pan handling....this is after all a public, if virtual a mall perhaps...with r as the only "security guard" ;-)) recall that we get material from: "AFRICAHOME.COM" <> which has kept us abreast of some of the events to which the post alludes... but I have to agree with Randy...what is so terrible and strange about this appeal....except maybe that it is very personal rather than some of the other appeals are.... ON THE OTHER HAND there are also scams being run wherein help is sought for money transfers up front with promises of a percentage upon completion of the transfer...usually there is a political dimension with international intrigue etc...if anything it may be a scam but probably not a joke.... --- from list ---
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