Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 08:53:58 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Subject: RE: quite simply put...some more worms to can... Radhika's questions are reasonable and more than worth discussing but I am rather upset about the quotation that spurs them. Why must we treat figures such as Spivak and Said as though they were the pope and we Martin Luther? There is no reason to refrain from criticism but this quotation is just "cutting down tall poppies." Could anyone use the word "paradigmatic" and pass this test? Obviously not. At times we seem to be reaching the point that "the postcolonial critic (if too famous) should not speak." terry Terry Goldie English Department York University North York, Ontario Canada M3J 1P3 voice: 416-604-3670 fax: 416-736-5412 email: --- from list ---
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