Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2000 09:53:39 -0700 Subject: RE: quite simply put...some more worms to can... I suspect that we get the theorist and the theory mixed up in some bizarre way in which the theorist is the embodiment of the authority of the theory rather than just a place of theoretical emergence...they are then "authorities" and representative and need to be critiqued rather than be seen as a place of emergence.... I asked about Margaret Archer because I am interested in the issues of emergence as a systems phenomenon....(I prefer the term "morphogenic" rather than her term "morphogenetic") ... when aihwa Ong provides us with examples of "primitive" expression (all sorts of spirit sicknesses) alive and well in the sweatshops of capitalism we really do need to take notice because I think that she is showing us something about the emergence of new embodied forms that are shifting and which are still largely unspeakable.....I am thinking about how "family violence" is framed....particularly in ethnic minorities in America, notably among Blacks and Native Americans... ....we are still mainly speaking about objects rather than seeing ourselves in changing systems of being/thinking/speaking...... how can said and ong and spivak see what they say is a much more important question for me.... In Nuu-chah-nulth culture there is a saying that one needs to watch for the "little person", the place of emergence between what is visible and what is becoming visible...a culturally encoded cue....for waiting for puts a very dynamic slant on theory for me that is inseparable from practice... --- from list ---
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