File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2000/postcolonial.0008, message 207

Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2000 10:04:46 -0700
Subject: 12th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women

> "Local Knowledge -- Global Knowledge"
> 12th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women
> "Local Knowledge -- Global Knowledge"
> Location: Connecticut, United States
> Call for Papers Date: 2000-12-15
> The 12th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, "Local Knowledge --
> Global Knowledge," will be held June 6-9, 2002 at the University of
> Connecticut in Storrs, Connecticut, USA. The Program Committee welcomes
> proposals that explore the relationship between local knowledge, global
> knowledge, the history of women, and the emergence of notions of gender
> across time and culture. How have people reconfigured their ideas and
> representations to take account of expanding -- or contracting -- worlds,
> changing economic conditions, and new demands for labor? What are the
> specific challenges to historians of women posed by indigeneity,
> nationalism, imperialism and ethnicity? What is the relation between what
> we can know about women in any local situation and what we can know about
> women broadly and comparatively? The Committee particularly encourages
> submissions in earlier periods, those which address sources and
> methodology, and panels that break down the divide between "the west"
> (North America and Western Europe) and other regions of the world. Funding
> may be available for some international panelists.
> We prefer complete panels, normally three papers, a comment and a chair;
> one person should not assume the task of chair and comment. The Committee
> also seeks workshops, roundtables, teaching sessions, and presentations
> that depart from the traditional conference format. Individual papers will
> also be considered. The Committee may rearrange submissions to shape the
> program; submission of a proposal will indicate agreement with this
> proviso. No one may appear on the program more than once in any capacity.
> Please submit three (3) copies of the full proposal, postmarked by December
> 15, 2000 to the appropriate program co-chair. Each proposal must include a
> standard cover sheet, downloadable from our website, listing panel title or
> roundtable theme and full contact information (address, phone, fax and
> e-mail) for panel organizer and all participants. It must also include a
> title and one-page abstract for each paper or presentation; a one-page
> curriculum vitae/resumÈ for each participant (including the chair and
> comment); and a self-addressed, stamped postcard.
> Contact information:
> European topics to Ruth Mazo Karras, Department of History, University of
> Minnesota, 614 Social Sciences Building, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA.
> African, Latin American, Asian, Pacific and comparative topics to Barbara
> Molony, Department of History, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA
> 95053, USA.
> Canadian and United States topics to Claire Potter, Center for the
> Americas, 255 High Street, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 06457, USA.
> Email:
> Call for Papers website:
Mario A. Caro
The Evergreen State College

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