Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 08:50:14 -0700 Subject: Dissertation Writing Award for Women >Coordinating Council on Women Historians >Berkshire Graduate Student Award >and Ida B. Wells Graduate Student Award > > >American Historical Association >Coordinating Council on Women Historians >Berkshire Graduate Student Award >and Ida B. Wells Graduate Student Award >Prize Deadline: 2000-10-13 > >The Coordinating Council for Women in History and Berkshire Conference of >Women Historians are pleased to announce the tenth annual competition for >two $500 Graduate Student Awards to assist in the completion of >dissertation work. The awards are designed to support either a crucial >stage of research or the final year of writing. The CCWH/BERKSHIRE award >is for women graduate students in a history department in a U.S. >institution, and the CCWH/IDA B. WELLS award is for a woman graduate >student in a U.S. institution in any department, but working on a >historical topic. Application deadline is October 13, 2000. For more >information write to Professor Montserrat Miller at address below. > > >Contact information: >Montserrat Miller >CCWH Awards Committee Chair >History Department >Marshall University >400 Hal Greer Boulevard >Huntington, WV 25755 >phone: 304-696-2723 >fax: 304-696-2957 >Email: > >Prize website: > and > --- from list ---
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