File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2000/postcolonial.0008, message 230

Subject: CFP: Society for Caribbean Research, Vienna July 2001
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 16:35:22 +0200

> Call for Papers: Society for Caribbean Research, Vienna, Austria: 4-5-6-7
> July 2001
> VIIth Interdisciplinary Congress
> Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology (Ethnology),
> University of Vienna
> The congress will focus on the critical aspects of the Caribbean in the
> course of European interventions. These topics should include, directly or
> indirectly, a critical statement on problems of politics and racism in
> Austria and other German-speaking or European countries. As in our
> previous congresses, the overall approach shall be interdisciplinary;
> suggestions of papers may include all topics related to the general theme.
> Special attention will be given to the following areas:
> Rastafari - A Universal Philosophy in the 3rd Millenium
> Diasporean Worldviews - From Periphery to Center
> Migrating Cultures - Slavery and Cultural Change
> The congress will be organized by Werner Zips. Please, contact him and
> send your abstract of 250 words before November 15, 2000: 
> Conference Chair Prof. Werner Zips
> Institut für Ethnologie, Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
> Universität Wien, Universitätsstrasse 7 
> A-1010 Wien, Austria
> Phone: 43-1-4277 48505
> Fax: 43-1-4277 9485

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