Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2000 19:51:20 -0700 Subject: Re: Black&Brown versus White criticism - a caricature Some people kiss and tell and others caricature and tell...... Some people do it in private and others need an audience.. probably "cunning linguists" need a textual audience.... but the issue of "style" is very interesting.... style without substance is always the fate of the "other" ....expectation states theory suggests that even when a "white" person just lurks near a colored person who is making a major contribution of some sort...there is a very high likelihood of the attribution of the achievement to the non-colored.... what a power trip it must be constructing and de-constructing "others" into and out of "english"...translating the colonizer and the colonized as Memmi would say....controlling both parts of the conversation.... At 11:46 AM 08/03/2000 +0200, you wrote: >Black&Brown versus White Criticism - a caricature of how others see you in >a debate involving gauntlets and hydrophobia. A question of style? > >*** > >Black&Brown Criticism (with the odd exception) - > >Dear Mr Dickens, being white as you keep pointing out, maybe you haven't >considered... >Dear Mr Dickens, don't you think you may be living just a bit too much in >your own rather comfortable little world... >Dear Mr Dickens, I'm afraid what you say is quite contradictory and doesn't >hold water... >Dear Mr Dickens, the problems in our part of the world are particularly >tricky, and I don't honestly think you've really grasped the essence... >Dear Mr Dickens, I simply can't agree with what you say, since you couldn't >actually have any genuine experience of... > >White Criticism - (with the odd exception) - > >Eric! I am incensed, outraged, utterly shocked and devastated by your >blatantly racist garbage... >Eric! How dare you utter such hegemonic drivel! The very fact you take up >this subject proves beyond a shadow of doubt that... >Eric! If I had my way, cunning linguists like yourself would be censored out >of this and every other list. But, getting back to the subject of the >postprandial theory of syntactic theme narrative... >Eric! Flabbergasting! People like you make Alfred Rosenberg and Count >Gobineau look like... >Eric! We ask the questions!!! How can a tediously reactionary British >translator like you... > >*** > >Best wishes, > >Eric Dickens > > > > --- from list --- --- from list ---
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