Date: 04 Aug 00 17:35:47 -0400 Subject: CNN ADC Action Alert: Protest CNNs Return to Describing Jerusalem as Part of Israel CNN Interactive, the website of CNN, has reverted to describing Jerusalem as Jerusalem, Israel in its international weather section <>. A small note attached to the bottom of the page states that the city is simply a disputed issue in peace talks between Israel and Palestinians. It makes no mention of international law or the many Security Council resolutions that confirm Jerusalems status as an occupied city which is in no way a part of Israel. CNN describes its move as nonpartisan and objective. ACTION REQUESTED: Please contact the Editor-in-Chief of CNN Interactive, Scott Woelfel and tell him that it is outrageous for CNN to mislead its audience in this manner. CNN has no business endorsing Israels conquest of Jerusalem or accepting Israels illegitimate claims to the city while ignoring international law, the will of the international community and the declarations of the UN Security Council. Feel free to use ADCs letter to CNN Interactive as a model. Please cc all communications to Please contact: Scott Woelfel Vice-President, General Manager and Editor-in-Chief CNN Interactive One CNN Center Atlanta, GA 30303 Fax: (404) 588-0100 TEXT OF ADC LETTER TO CNN INTERACTIVE: August 3, 2000 Scott Woelfel Vice-President, General Manager and Editor-in-Chief CNN Interactive One CNN Center Atlanta, GA 30303 Dear Mr. Woelfel: I write to you as Communications Director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the nations largest Arab-American membership organization, to express our deep concern over the representation of the status of Jerusalem by CNN Interactive. As you no doubt recall, on March 6 you were contacted by ADC member Ali Abunimah who alerted you to the problem of representing Jerusalem as part of Israel, which CNN Interactive was doing at the time. Mr. Abunimah suggested a more neutral policy, simply listing Jerusalem without denoting a country. This is what the US government does on the passports of US citizens born in that city, and it would ensure that none of your audience would misinterpret CNN's intentions. On March 19, you informed Mr. Abunimah that CNN has decided to allow Jerusalem to stand alone as a city in our listings. On August 3, Wired News reported that CNN restored Jerusalem's status as part of Israel after the American Jewish Congress complained that the news organization was making a political statement by failing to list the city as part of the country on its online weather map -- as it does with every other major city in the world. CNN Interactive spokeswoman Edna Johnson is quoted as saying We weren't implying that we were taking Jerusalem out of Israel, our intention was to say, This is a disputed territory. In fact, there is no international dispute as to the status of East Jerusalem - it is universally recognized as an occupied city, conquered by Israel in 1967. The United Nations Security Council, including the United States, has affirmed and reaffirmed this on countless occasions. To mention but a few Security Council resolutions declaring Israel to be an occupying power in Jerusalem: Resolution 478 (1980) determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purport to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and in particular the recent "basic law" on Jerusalem, are null and void and must be rescinded forthwith. Resolution 476 (1980) reaffirms the overriding necessity to end the prolonged occupation of Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem; and strongly deplores the continued refusal of Israel, the occupying Power, to comply with the relevant resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly. Resolution 298 (1971) denounces measures and actions by Israel designed to change the status of the Israeli-occupied section of Jerusalem. Please find the full text of these resolutions enclosed. Clearly, under international law, East Jerusalem is an occupied city, and in no way can it be considered to be a part of Israel. The current listing of the city by CNN Interactive as Jerusalem, Israel flouts international law and the will and opinion of virtually the entire international community, and endorses conquest as a means of territorial expansion. Please note that all embassies to Israel, including the United States Embassy, are located in Tel Aviv, not Jerusalem (the only exceptions being the embassies of El Salvador, Costa Rica and the Democratic Republic of Congo). Both the European Union and the Vatican have recently reiterated that all of Jerusalem constitutes a corpus separatum, or distinct body, from the State of Israel. The rhetoric which describes Jerusalem as disputed rather than occupied, which your spokesperson repeated, is a transparent Israeli ploy to obscure the Holy Citys clear status under international law as an occupied territory. The footnote on the Jerusalem weather page of CNN Interactive which reads The status of Jerusalem, the seat of Israeli government, is the most contentious issue in the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. Palestinian and Arab leaders consider part of Jerusalem the capital of the prospective Palestinian state is highly misleading. It completely ignores the extraordinary body of international law defining Jerusalem as occupied and refuting any and all Israeli claims to sovereignty in East Jerusalem. Visitors to your site are encouraged by this misleading note to believe that the status of East Jerusalem is merely a matter of dispute between Israelis who possess the city and Palestinians who have ambitions attached to it. This formulation is utterly false, insofar as it leaves out the repeated and unambiguous affirmations of the legal and political status of East Jerusalem as an occupied city. Sadly, CNN Interactive has returned to the mistake you corrected in March. However, responsible new organizations need to be able to hold on to journalistic standards. It is completely inaccurate to describe Jerusalem as Jerusalem, Israel, or to state that the status of the city is disputed rather than occupied and ignore international law and the repeated declarations of the Security Council. Your spokesperson is quoted by Wired News as saying We elected to list it as Jerusalem, Israel, as a nonpartisan move. We are hopeful that the explanation gives some insight. Our objective is simply to be objective. Obviously, endorsing conquest as a means of territorial expansion and accepting Israels claims while rejecting the judgement of the Security Council and international community is anything but non-partisan or objective. In the interests of the credibility of CNN and CNN Interactive, and the need of your audience for accurate and unbiased information, it is necessary that you restore your policy of not mistakenly and misleadingly referring to Jerusalem, Israel. I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding this important matter. Yours, Hussein Ibish Communications Director American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee cc: W. Thomas Johnson, Chairman and CEO Richard Davis, Executive Vice-President, Standards and Practices American Committee on Jerusalem * 4201 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 302 Washington, D.C. 20008 Tel: (202) 237-0215 * Fax: (202) 244-3196 * e-mail: The ACJ is a coalition of various organizations and individuals dedicated to promoting a solution to Jerusalem which addresses the deep attachments of adherents to the three monotheistic religions to the city and the political aspirations of both Palestinians and Israelis. --- from list ---
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