File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2000/postcolonial.0008, message 73

Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 10:17:46 -0700
Subject: Re: Translation, Indian vernacular and "Classical"

I have to agree with r about how analysis becomes "'representative' in 
various powerfields ....whether we intend that they do" and whether "Should 
we be looking for different ways of "doing Theory" ?

This issue has arisen for me in the process of educational research by 
First Nations for First Nations funded through government grants that is 
then used to direct government policy by non-First Nations for First 
Nations usually by non-First Nations people...and reminds me of Patti 
Lather's assertion that there is no value free research and I would submit 
no position free research, where individuals and collectives actually live 
in social niches, the construction of which goes socially 
unacknowledged....the many languages of India representing the many 
cultural niches of Indian....the many social positional representations 
that are obscured...the richness of the cultural elaboration cut off by the 
requirement of communicating in one standardized language...what happens to 
all of the historically developed trajectories that are 
unacknowledged....that are as r suggests flattened by theory...

among American (and Canadian First Nations) Indian scholars the issue of 
"Through our eyes and in our own words." is explored in the most recent 
issue of Qualitative Studies in Education, 2000, Vol. 13, No. 4

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I think some of us are working from spaces in which we know we are trying 
to understand postcolonial experience from the perspective of the colonized 
and what that means and then there are those still trying to find 
uncritical markets for snakeoil....we just had another private college here 
in Vancouver disappearing in a cloud of red ink after take the money of 
students from China who wanted to study if "cultural 
competency" and acceptance in the international field of capitalist and 
academic dreams was merely a matter of "learning English"...

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