File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2000/postcolonial.0008, message 92

Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 09:03:52 -0400
Subject: website for this list and "faqs" for some qs

Mac Fenwick has been kind enough to offer to work on a website for this
list. I'll have more later, but if anyone has suggestions for what we want
on the list - you can send me suggestions off-list. While Mac, assisted by
me, will do most of the technical work, I'd like to think of this as a
"list/community" project, so we'll list "credits" for all suggestions. Mac
suggested a page of links from members too.

I'm (and so is Mac - see below) thinking we need "FAQs" for some usual and
oft-repeated questions (for example, if someone responded in detail to
Christopher) and issues - more like a map/guide to finding threads - will
work out the details of this with Mac.

Also, we might "steal" some ideas from Gil Rodman's cultural studies site,
like "now playing" and "columns" and steal ideas from other places too of

>I would think that two of the things we want on the site are: 1) some
>kind of mission statement/manifesto/explanation of the list and 2) a
>really comprehensive page of related sites. This second item is where
>the list members can be most useful. Rather than a long list of links, I
>like to have an annotated page so when people send me suggestions for
>links perhaps they could also give me a brief idea of what the sites
>There's many other possibilities: a reading-list page with actual books
>and articles either by list members or suggested by them; access to the
>archives -- the item I think would be good would be a few short articles
>addressing that tired (and by now tiresome) question "what is
>postcolonialism?" I see that a newcomer has once again tried to start
>the debate with no success: if we have some more worked-out writings on
>the topic at the list gateway perhaps it would help newcomers move into
>the discussions more quickly and easily.

Radhika Gajjala

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