File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2000/postcolonial.0010, message 8

From: "Elizabeth Deloughrey" <>
Subject: author name for short story
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 16:25:46 -0400

Hi Folks
A student asked me for some help in identifying this author--any ideas? Liz

>I have been looking for the name of an author of a beautiful and
very short story I read once. I want this for my
personal interest. The author's name, I think, was of
Arabic descent, (first name Ali?) and I remember his last name was very
long. Also, I can assure you he is from this century.

>He wrote a story that describes that in Heaven and Hell
there are people sitting at the same luxurious table,
with the same delicious food. However, in Hell people
cannot eat because their spoons are to heavy and large.
In Heaven, people have the same heavy and large spoons,
but they help each other. So, the people in heaven can
taste the delicious food.Please write me back if you remember the name of

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