File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2002/postcolonial.0205, message 150

Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 17:45:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: Maldoror <>
Subject: Re: of diatribes and delusions (was: he mood jocose)


you amaze fact you almost had me fooled for a
grand total of half a second, with your other email
address of CD. 

> Like any good observer of human
> nature I shall not reply to your absolute question:

surprise she doesn't have an answer to whether the
fault of slavery should be carried by those 'barbaric
arabs' or those who were enslaved by them.

no, not you eldorra. you just ramble on and on and on
and on with your sing-song, dr. suessical nonsense
saying more and more of nothing. all the while you
keep thinking we actually care, because you're too
delusional to have a solid stance on anything other
than the fact that you're a racist trying ever-so-hard
to blend in by posting article after article of the
plight of the palestinians while you feign sympathy
for a group you've blanketed with the term 'pig.'

by the way- to say that the future lies in the east
just further proves your own ignorance and inherent
racism as you babble on about how the west is the
scourge of man. as i remember genghis khan hailed from
the east as did pol pot. examples of barabrism are not
limited to the west, it's just the ignorant people
like yourself who hail from the east seem to feel the
need to cast blame somewhere. 

the does not lie in the east or the west. the future
lies nowhere.

as for your statement of 2 billion asians can't be
wrong - well 2 billion people can be wrong nomatter
where they're from. 200 million americans think
they're right too as they pump their fists in unison
to bombing campaign after bombing campaign. successful
brainwashing can do a lot when it comes to right and
wrong. but then that's probably too much to grasp for
your cat-in-the-hat mind.

feel free to respond in your babbling tongue after
you've finished reading 'green eggs and ham.'


btw: you're not fooling anyone with your follow up
message praising maldoror. 

does CD stand for seedy? if so, it suits you well.


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