File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2003/postcolonial.0307, message 24

From: postcolonial-list <>
Subject: ...
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 22:55:31 +0500

Subject: CFP:Journal of Bangladesh Studies 
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Dear Colleagues,

Journal of Bangladesh Studies (JBS) is a peer-reviewed journal. Articles 

are encouraged from fields including anthropology, agriculture, basic 
sciences, economics, education, engineering, management, political 
psychology, sociology, and related areas. We seek diversity of perspective 

because comprehensive development depends on a broad foundation of 
knowledge. Broadly, the articles should address Bangladesh's development 

problems and prospects from a theoretical or analytical perspective 
prevalent in academic disciplines. Authors are encouraged to prescribe 
actions and measures that are meaningful, practicable, and amenable 
to the 
sector(s) or issues they address. Articles must also be comprehensible 
the wide target audience. Thus, while technical merit of an article is 
important, it is even more important that authors are able to communicate 

lucidly with a methodology of a particular field. In addition, while 
articles must be grounded in theory, analysis, and reference work, they 
must also communicate outside the specific disciplines of the authors 
without being perceived as popular, journalistic writing.

Both short communications and full-length articles may be submitted. 
Analysis of recent developments, short reviews of newly published 
books or 
research articles, and expert comments on specific issues are treated 
short communications, which could be limited to about 2000 words. A 
full-length article, in about 20 double-spaced and typed pages should 
provide a reasonable review of the literature and clearly articulate 
nature of the problem or issue it addresses as its focus. JBS also 
critiques of published articles to foster debate and discussion. 
may be published on the basis of space availability (which is often 
constrained by budget restrictions) and the advice of the editorial 
Critiques must be about two JBS pages and must be written in a positive 
demeanor to foster healthy discussion. JBS will attempt to obtain 
from the authors whose articles are critiqued. Opinions expressed 
in the 
selected articles or commentaries are solely the responsibility of the 

The journal follows the Chicago Manual Style. Three hard copies of 
must be submitted first to the editor for the review process. The 
identification, affiliation, mailing address, and e-mail address 
should be 
presented only on the title page. An abstract should also be included 
the article. The editor may invite a submission subsequently via email 
and/or on disk using MS Word. WordPerfect files are also acceptable but 
Word document is preferred. Revised and accepted articles should be 
submitted as hard copy and on a floppy disk (IBM or compatible).

Please send your manuscripts to: Syed Saad Andaleeb, Editor, JBS,
School of 
Business, The Pennsylvania State University, Erie, Station Road, 
Erie, PA. 
16563. Fax: (814)-898-6223; email: ssa4-AT-psu,edu.

Contributors from Bangladesh may send their articles to Dr. M. Musa, 
Director, CERBET, East West University, 46 Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka 1212, 
Bangladesh. Email:


Dr. Rebecca Sultana
Professor, Department of English
East West University
45 Mohakhali C/A
messages on the postcolonial list are now being screened for relevance 
to the focus of the list.

Posts judged appropriate for the list will be approved approximately 
once a day. Please be patient.

- radhika gajjala, (co) moderator postcolonial list.


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