File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2003/postcolonial.0312, message 4

Subject: CFP Colonialism and Its Aftermath: U Tasmania
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 12:08:39 -0800

Here it is:

Colonialism and Its Aftermath
An interdisciplinary Conference
June 23 - 25, 2004
University of Tasmania, Hobart

Colonialism recast the world map, linking disparate geographies and
diverse cultures under the aegis of European empires. If the sun never
set on the British Empire, it has also never set on scholarly attempts
to understand colonialism and its impact on the world. Colonial and
postcolonial studies across a range of humanities and social sciences
disciplines continue to analyse the complex cultural phenomena of
colonialism, addressing issues in literary studies, geography, Asian
studies, history, indigenous studies, art history, race studies,
architecture, women's studies, cultural studies, and anthropology,
amongst others. Much of the most interesting work in this field is
interdisciplinary. The University of Tasmania's research cluster
Colonialism and Its Aftermath invites proposals for papers from scholars
interested in exploring the relationship between colonialism and its
aftermath in innovative and interdisciplinary ways.

Papers on the following topics will be welcomed:

.	Colonialism's culture and its postcolonial aftermath 
.	Imperial networks of influence, ideas, and individuals 
.	Colonial anthropology and its aftermath 
.	Ecology and environment in colonial and postcolonial contexts 
.	Colonial and postcolonial governance 
.	Convictism, slavery, and human trafficking 
.	Histories and historiographies of empires, colonies, and
colonial phenomena 
.	Contested histories, contested sites 
.	Colonial archives and their postcolonial deployment 
.	Colonial heritage and heritage studies 
.	Indigenous histories of colonialism and its aftermath 
.	Colonial and postcolonial cultural geographies 
.	Colonial cities and postcolonial architecture 
.	Literary representations of colonialism and postcolonialism 
.	Migration, diaspora, and dispersal 
.	Postcolonial cultural studies 
.	Colonial and postcolonial art and criticism 

250 word abstracts  for 20 minute papers should be submitted using the
online submission form no later than 19 December, 2003. For any
questions or access to online submission forms visit

Conference chair: Dr Anna Johnston, School of English, Journalism, and
European Languages, University of Tasmania

Conference Managers - Leishman Associates, 113 Harrington Street, Hobart
TAS 7000
T: 03 6234 7844, F: 03 6234 5958 email:

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