File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2004/postcolonial.0411, message 25

Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 11:34:09 -0700
Subject: Re: closing shop here

At 09:07 AM 11/28/2004 -0500, Radhika Gajjala wrote:

>Dear all,
>It has been a pleasure to learn about listing and moderating and to engage 
>in discussion here on the postcolonial list these past 9 years since I 
>took up the task of facilitating the list. I am now leaving Spoon and will 
>also no longer be moderating the postcolonial list. I have various 
>interfaces already in existence that are mutations and per - mutations of 
>my interests in postcolonial theory and the internet etc and those exist 
>outside spoon and will continue in  various form(at)s - so I am not 
>altogether disappearing from cyberspace.
>My work with the spoon collective has allowed to me to continue 
>investigations regarding the email list interface, management, moderation 
>and communication. I have encountered all sorts of people and machines. I 
>started the third-world-women list, women-writing-culture list and the 
>sa-cyborgs list because of spoon (some histories of these spaces are 
>available in my book cyberselves) - all these are now silent and closed 
>down by default sorta. I may consider re-starting an offshoot of 
>sa-cyborgs via yahoo or something sometime next year - or not. Meanwhile 
>those interested are welcome to participate in my blogspaces, my 
>theoryhead formations and so on (see links in sig file).
>Below is a message from Malgosia Arkansas of Spoon explaining our 
>collective decision to shut down:

would the membership be interested in migrating to a new listserv (with all 
the same functionality) were one to be created? radhika, how much time do 
we have before this list stops working?

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