File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2004/postcolonial.0411, message 27

Subject: Filling the void
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 00:29:41 -0500

Over the past year, I've made reading emails from this list a daily 
ritual... and I am sad to see it go. However, I think that this has 
been a great resource for everyone looking for information  and 
guidance on the subject.
I just started a group on yahoo to try and reroute this resources so we 
can continue to reap benefits from them.

If you're interested in continuing this journey, please consider 
joining the following group. I will try my best to setup a GNU-based 
listserv over christmas break, in which case, i'll post relevant 
information on the group page:


Abhi Chaudhuri
President, Om (Hindu Student Association)
ITAP Associate: Special Projects Team
DePauw University '06

What can be imagined, can be achieved

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