File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2004/postcolonial.0411, message 31

Subject: Re: New poco list/group blog
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 11:12:16 -0500

Sad to see this list go, I have been on it since I got to film school, 
and it was a good resource for somebody who is neither an academic nor 
an activist, but interested in some of the questions people were asking 
on this list.  It made me feel not quite as lonely as I might have 
been. Though lately I noticed I was shifting my attention to blogs, 
like  Amardeep's. I find blogs to be much more productive, and the 
absence of flame wars and hasty posts is a welcome aspect of blogs, 
however, I realize the various announcements for conferences and so on 
might have been a useful aspect of the list for some people, so a list 
would still be useful for that.

On Nov 28, 2004, at 10:29 AM, Amardeep Singh wrote:

> RIP Postcolonial List!
> I'll be starting a new postcolonial email list & group blog.
> Email me at **** if you are interested. The format 
> will be the
> same as this list, though that might be negotiated/discussed by 
> participants.
> The technical component will be very simple. The goal is to build a 
> **public**
> space for discussion of issues interesting to postcolonial scholars.
> Amardeep
warm regards,

Shashwati Talukdar

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