File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2004/postcolonial.0411, message 4

Subject: Fw: po-co job
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2004 14:25:32 -0600

I thought some of you in this field might want to take up this opportunity. 
Chris was a part of my graduate cohort at Rutgers and I'm sure he wouldn't 
mind email inquiries.
Joe C

Joseph N. Clarke
Assistant Professor of Postcolonial Literature
in English
The English Department, The University of Pennsylvania
4039 Gramercy Street Unit C
Houston, Texas  77025

> ----- Forwarded message from Christopher Warley <> -----
>     Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 13:28:00 -0500
>     From: Christopher Warley <>
> Reply-To: Christopher Warley <>
>  Subject: po-co job
>       To:
> Hey Joe, I'm writing because my department (Oakland University, just, at 
> the last minute, has gotten a line for a post-colonialist.
> We'll advertise in the MLA., but since I'm on the committee I'm trying to 
> get
> the word out.  Can you let anyone know (grad students, other faculty) that 
> you
> think might be interested?  Also, despite my incessant whining, this is in
> fact a pretty cushy job--a very easy teaching load, no department 
> political
> dramas, and lots of travel money--and, naturally, the opportunity to have
> dinner with me.  We need someone to do post-colonial lit and theory; if 
> they
> can do film stuff as well, that would be a big plus, but it isn't 
> necessary.
> > Best,
> Chris
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> -- 

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