File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2004/postcolonial.0412, message 1

Subject: YNT: Filling the void (done)
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 08:45:43 +0200

Semra Somersan


Kimden: owner-postcolonial-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU bu kişinin yerine: Abhi Chaudhuri
Gönderilmiş: Sal 30.11.2004 06:57
Kime: postcolonial-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU
Konu: Re: Filling the void (done)

Dear All, Dear Mohammed

I think that's a great idea! I just changed the address and the title
of the list like you requested. Everyone who has signed up already will
be automatically transferred to this list.
You need not have a yahoo account to be a part of this list. Anyone can
join. Though yahoo members get more features (for now) like file
sharing, calendar of events, etc.

The process is fairly simple, just send in an email to:

and the engine will put you on the list.

if you are having problems registering, let me know and i'll set it up
for you.

to post on the list, email your post to:

postings are moderated, but its only to keep 'crawlers' from posting
messages promoting products.


Abhi Chaudhuri
President, Om (Hindu Student Association)
ITAP Associate: Special Projects Team
DePauw University '06

What can be imagined, can be achieved

On Nov 29, 2004, at 7:33 PM, Ben Jelloun, Mohammed wrote:

> Dear all, dear Abhi,
> With respect to all other proposals, my personal proposal is that we
> move
> the same list with the same title "postcolonial list" to Yahoo--Yahoo
> groups
> are very easy to run. Would Abhi be willing to make a change in the
> title of
> his list? That would have the advantage of not excluding people doing
> other
> things than literature, like me. Notice that a possibility of some
> (extra)
> common postcolonial blog is not being ruled out here.
> Best,
> Mohammed

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