Subject: Re: postcolonial denmark Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 21:28:04 +0100 Having no written or oral knowledge of Danish, I'd be quite interested as well if someone could provide a brief summary of this book. As a matter of fact, there is one "postcolonial" writer in whose work Denmark looms large... Anglo-Sudanese novelist Jamal Mahjoub spent a few years there, and gave a few talks about his stay, not forgetting the unforgettable THE CARRIER, a novel published in 1998 and which is partly set in contemporary (and 16th century) Denmark. Guillaume Cingal ----- Original Message ----- From: "zenf" <> To: <> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 1:00 PM Subject: postcolonial denmark > I am wondering whether anyone of you has heard of a new book that's just > come out in Denmark. Apparently it's a devastating critique of Denmark > among other things. Would love to know of anyone has any opinion. > Here's the reference to the book: > > Poddar, Prem (2004) Postkolonial Kontra-modernitet: Immigration, > Identitet, Historie, Forlaget Modtryk. > > And the promotion material says: > > Denne bog er både et originalt bidrag til forskningen inden for det > postkoloniale felt og den første danske bog, der behandler nogle af de > påtrængende og komplekse spørgsmål, som stilles af den postkoloniale > kritik: Hvem kan tale på nationens vegne? Hvordan fremkaldes > nationalfølelser? Hvordan indplaceres flygtningen og migranten i forhold > til nationens tid og rum? > Disse spørgsmål besvares gennem artikler, der varierer fra studier af > den grønlandske erfaring i den danske forestillingsverden til > amerikanske bosætter-beretninger med forbindelser til krigen i Irak. > Eurocentrisk historie og imperiets arkiver bliver også gransket i en > artikel om tilsynekomsten af en historisk bevidsthed i det koloniale > Indien. > > Best. > Zen. > -- > zenf > > > > --- from list --- > --- from list ---
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