File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2004/postcolonial.0412, message 18

Date: Fri,  3 Dec 2004 10:14:53 -0500
Subject: New Poetry Translation Site; Urdu Poets

SOAS in London has a new Poetry Translation site.

It is just starting out, but there is already some good stuff there. I gather 
they are looking for volunteers as well as funds to keep adding to the site. 

Also, speaking of poetry, people may want to check out Mir Ali Raza's latest 
piece in Outlook India on the Progressive Urdu poets of the 1950s and 60s (part 
of the PWA movement). 

I find the themes they are writing about (space exploration, communalism, 
class/labor issues) interesting. Also interesting from an aesthetic point of 
view is their experimental reinvention of the Urdu tradition. 


p.s. I am also posting this message to

...And the new Yahoo 'postcolonial list'

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