File spoon-archives/postcolonial.archive/postcolonial_2004/postcolonial.0412, message 9

Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2004 07:28:22 -0500
Subject: Re: closing shop here

thanks Jillana - my collaborations and friendship with you are special and 
one of several that I have gained from the connections on this list.


At 04:54 AM 12/1/2004 -0600, you wrote:
>I'd second the thanks to Radhika here. She's created a space I joined in 
>graduate school, before postcolonial studies readers were making the field 
>canonical. I've participated in many fruitful and illuminating 
>discussions, felt myself a member of an emerging discipline, and 
>questioned disciplinary boundaries. The poco listserv influenced my sense 
>of not only the concerns and strengths but also the constraints of 
>postcolonial studies  Through all of this, Radhika's moderation has been 
>critical--inclusive, incisive, and thoughtful.
>best, jillana
>Jillana Enteen
>On Nov 28, 2004, at 10:31 AM, Marlene Atleo wrote:
>>Thank you, Radhika for the many years of "womaning" this project....
>>I think I have been a member since I began my doctoral studies in '96.
>>I have appreciated the cyber window that parallels the one I experienced
>>as a child when we lived at a bus stop and my grand parents would sit
>>and talk to their friends as they came and went....and of course
>>sometimes we came and the often alienating space between the
>>high context of an isolated indigenous community and the academy and the
>>roads in between...the post colonial list help to remind me that there
>>are fellow travellers...and then its time to we labor on at
>>other sites....
>>Dr. Marlene R. Atleo, Assistant Professor
>>Room 221B, Education Building
>>Dept of Educational Administration, Foundations & Psychology
>>Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba
>>Winnipeg, MB
>>Tel: 1-204-474-6039
>>      --- from list ---
>     --- from list ---


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