File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 114

Date: Tue, 03 Dec 1996 19:25:33 -0200
Subject: Re: Never Again...

I couldn't agree with you more.  I get tired of all the "crap" (MY
judgement, of course ! <g>) that I see and =I= would limit it if I could,
but I haven't been asked (yet) to accept the post of "ruler of the world" --
but I AM amienable IF asked ! <g>
But every time I think I would limit this or that, I think that ALL
limitations of individual behavior, speech, whatever, THAT DO NOT DIRECTLY
AFFECT ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL (not a foetus, by the way !), should be resisted
tooth and nail !
But that does make it seem that we "agree", by merely tolerating the
existance of, some points of view, but to NOT tolerate them is an even worse
error, or at least I think so !  Sure does make you have to put up with a
lot of crap, though, doesn't it ? <g>

At 06:54 AM 12/3/96 PST, you wrote:
>>I tend to think that one should make up one's OWN mind as to what one 
>>would or would not support and you can't do that if you don't "see" it
>>"hear" it in the first place.  Censors would deny you the right to make
>>your own choice as to the "goodness" or "badness" of what is being
>>said.Just remember that when "we" censor "them", WE wind up being
>>censored as well in the long run and we may have given up some of >our
>OWN rights and privileges without realizing it.
>You're absolutely right about everything you said which is why I wrote "I
>didn't know who I would want to draw the line and where".
>I think that problem I had with the post I replied to, and I thought it
>was fairly clear, that I am getting tired of people throwing "freedom of
>speech" in my face every time they want to talk garbage.  
>Yes, I know that's relative thing, while I may think singing songs to
>kids endorsing drug use and murder is garbage, others may somehow find
>that socially redeeming.  But that's a discussion that could go on
>Dave  8^)
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