File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 120

Date: Tue, 3 Dec 1996 20:38:03 PST
Subject: Re: Never Again...
From: (David M Boiano)

Talk about a heated subject.........
But to the credit of everyone on this list, no one got really nasty about
about it.

There is never going to be total convincing on this subject, "freedom of
The people who focus on that right only and see anything less as
censorship are not going to change their minds.
The people who, focus on the fact that they don't like censorship, but
get tired of the crap they have to listen to that uses "freedom of
speech" as a shield aren't going to change their minds either, 
(and I guess I made it plain I'm one of those people, and I won't
apologize for that any more than I would expect anyone else to apologize
for their position if I don't agree with it).

Maybe before anyone does get really bent out of shape and nasty, it would
be wise to suggest we just agree to disagree.
Or would that be censorship?  (sorry)


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