File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 134

Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 15:17:58 -0500
Subject: Re: Sara Peattie

In a message dated 96-12-04 01:52:47 EST, you write:

<< An earlier posting had asked about where one could _buy_
 backpacks like the ones used in the Atlanta Olympics (I think the writer
 was referring to the puppets designed by Peter Minshall from Trinidad for
 the big Mississippi River section of that pageant).  My thought was, why
 buy these items for a lot of money when you can probably make them or
 adapt existing backpacks for the purpose?   >>

Yes, I was the person who posted that question, and haven't received an
answer.  I saw a picture of the "workings" of these Olympic puppets in the
Puppetry Journal.  We were looking to save time, not money -- thinking it
would be easier to buy the harness than try to create one.

But, many, many thanks to those who suggested Sara Peaty's video.  I spoke to
her and one is on the way to me overnight mail at this moment.  Why re-invent
the wheel?  Since this parade in the 30th of this month, and this is our
first "giant" puppet creation -- we have little time to lose.

Still, if anyone knows where we can *buy* those backpack harnesses, I'd still
like to know.  

Thanks for all the helpful comments.

Icarus Puppet Company

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