File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 140

Subject: Re: never again
From: (Michael T Wagman)
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 1996 20:24:40 EST

A few years ago we had an uprising in KKK membership and visibility. They
were implemented in some 'minor' crimes. So the question I see is "do you
offer free speech for groups that believe in intimitdation" and maybe
even more importantly that do not believe that other views need to be

My Email server was down during voting other wise I would have voted
against it - because I (and maybe wrongfully) suspected they would use
the forum to encourage immoral/illegal activities. How far does free
speech go - while there not advocating yelling fire in a theatre - I have
little doubt they would have much sympathy if someone  who doesn't fit
thier definition of acceptable died.

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