File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 152

Date: Thu, 5 Dec 96 10:51:33 -0600 (CST)
From: Buster <>
Subject: Re: never again

At 08:24 PM 12/4/96 EST, Michael T Wagman wrote:
>A few years ago we had an uprising in KKK membership and visibility. They
>were implemented in some 'minor' crimes. So the question I see is "do you
>offer free speech for groups that believe in intimitdation" and maybe
>even more importantly that do not believe that other views need to be

The answer quite simply is, yes.  Yours are the identical arguments used
during the McCarthy era (and no, I'm not accusing you of McCarthyism) to go
after the communists.  Regardless what threat a group may pose to society,
their speech must be allowed.  It is when they cross the line to actually
conspire to do wrong and to commit actual crimes that you can go after them,
since there are already laws agains that, and it has been upheld by the
Supreme Court.

--Jim Maroon
The Storytelling Home Page

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