File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 16

Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 07:20:36, -0500
Date: 19 Nov 96
Subject: Bufano and

-- [ From: Mark S. Segal * EMC.Ver #2.5.1 ] --

If memory serves, first saw the Oedipus puppets in an incredible room at
the Detroit Museum of Art, this was 20 some odd years ago, but talk
about generous, the person who I met there, gave me the application for
P of A and showed me the storeage area of the puppets that where not on
display. The story that I seem to remember is that after the production
they were tossed, and some wise person saved them from the trash. Saw
them again on display in Washington 1980.
I have his book "Be a Puppet Showman"  (c) 1933, the first chapter is
entitled "This is How I Began."  Was influenced at age 7 by the Sicilian
Marionettes, and started putting on his own shows at age eight. That is
the gist.

Just also wanted to mention a few of other people.

The Samaniskys, they ran the puppetry store. With my first directory in
hand I  called them up, said I'm interested in puppetry...The response,
come on over. They took me in showed me their collection and where very
The local guild around here (at the time Quaker Village Puppeteers) well
a few of the members Emma Louise Warfield,  Marion Myers,  Kate (Evans?)
and Sally Lilley used to come to my early shows and give me critiques,
very helpful, very supportive. They did this for a few years. Marion and
Kate where both incredible marionettists. Saw Marion make a  Fred
Astaire puppet, tap dance.actually TAP DANCE! 

Also remember seeing Peter Arnott, perform Oedipus, and The Bacchae.
What an incredible experience. Did anybody else see this man perform?
Saw Oedipus at age 16. Definitely an experience.


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