File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 171

Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 23:50:05 -0600
From: (K. Rengren)
Subject: Re: Gay & lesbian puppeteers

Jay, I think you're reading a lot of your own issues into a benign and
pretty inarguable statement by John here. The point is that the field of
puppetry, like theater itself, is inclusive of many gays and lesbians -
many of which have made major contributions to the field - and that they
have just as much of a right to be on this list as do you. You don't see
much off-topic mail protesting the right of fundamentalist Christians to
marry on this list, do you? So live and let live. The whole pretense of a
mailing list like this one is that you check your prejudices at the door
for the sake of learning about your craft from EVERYONE - whether you agree
with their politics and preferences or not.

And if you can't manage that kind of open-mindedness, I suggest you stick
to lists that only admit people who share your opinions. It's a big world
out there, and if you find yourself unable to accept and respect the
lifestyles of everyone in this community, perhaps the Internet (and the
theater world at large) is not the place for you.


At 06:37 12/5/96, Jay Jennings wrote:
>>For one reason or another, many of this country's best puppeteers also
>>happen to be, or have been, homosexual.
>You could also say that for one reason or another, many of this country's
>best puppeteers also happen to be, or have been, fundamentalist
>Christians, right? If not, then it appears you're implying that MOST of
>this country's best puppeteers also happen to be, or have been,
>homosexual. If that's the case, I'd be interested in seeing the study
>that supports that statement.
>>Gay and Lesbian artists need our respect, appreciation and solidarity.
>Because they're gay and lesbian??? I don't think so. In the field of
>puppetry you can gain my respect, appreciation and solidarity by doing
>cool puppetry, not because of who you have sex with.
> Jay Jennings
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