File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 172

Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 01:05:45 -0500 (EST)
From: (Joe Dunfee)
Subject: Re: Software and Puppetry

  I have yet to make the necessary upgrades to my computer to deal with this
stuff yet.(but soon) so I am still window shopping...

 But virtually all home computers sold now, have the ability to do digital
sound editing and also perform as an orchestra.

  For under $80 you purchase a program (such as "Cake Walk" and/or
"Band-in-a-Box") and use them with your computer to record your scripts. You
can then get some pre-made music scores in Midi File Format (or compose your
own) and then re-arrange it to leave out the middle section (assuming you
know a litte about music). The "Band-in-a-Box" software is able to take a
melody and a chord progression and crank out a good quality arrangement in
hundreds of styles. Then you can mix the resulting music with your audio
recording and transfer the final version to a cassette tape to use while

  If you later decide that you allowed too little of a pause while your
puppet has to do some action on stage - it is a relatively simple matter to
go back to the computer file and simply add to that pause.

  The sound card itself is another concern. There are two separate features
it will do. First it can take a sound (such as from your microphone) and
transfer it to the computer's hard drive. It used to be that all of the
cheaper sound cards had lousy sound and added alot of hum and noise to the
recordings. But I have been told that even the cheap cards are much better. 
  Second, the sound card also functions as a synthesizer. It is a music
keyboard without the keys. The ones with the "wave table" option make much
more realistic instrument sounds.

  Of course these programs and sound cards range from about $40 to the
thousands, depending on their features. But my point is that even the
minimum available now is quite usable (usually) for editing recordings that
can later be put on to cassete tapes for actual use while performing.

Joe Dunfee
Miami, Florida U.S.A.

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