File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 18

Date: Tue, 19 Nov 1996 13:51:30 -0500 (EST)
Subject: More questions about finding puppets

Hi!  First, I want to thank everyone who gave me suggestions regarding our 
search for handpuppets.  I'm going to show the rest of the committee the 
suggestions, and see what they think.

Someone had asked what size puppets I was talking about, and what I meant
by "packaged" show.  Pretend Time had 6 or so puppet show kits that 
included the puppets and a pre-recorded tape.  Most, if not all, of the
show were fairy tales. The puppets themselves are made of a velour-like 
material.  It looks like there is a layer of material inside, some 
kind of netting, and a layer outside.  (Or it might be just one thick

layer of this material.  The puppets are kind of like advanced sock
puppets.  The mouths open, and a grown-ups hand fits inside.  They
came with their costumes.  ( I know that this isn't terribly clear,
but I hope it makes some sense!)

So, if this rings any bells with anyone else, or you know where we might
be able to find something comparable to our melting "Cinderella" and 
"Sleeping Beauty," that would be great.

Thanks again!

Tonya Lancaster
Dayton & Montgomery County Public Library
Dayton, OH

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