File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 182

Date: Fri, 6 Dec 1996 12:15:43 -0500
Subject: Re:Politically Correct Puppet Theater

Not to beat a dead horse, but I would like to explore a different side of
this censorship issue.    

It has been mentioned that the christian puppeteers feel they are censored.
 I don't doubt this.  In California there is also a great problem *from* that
direction.  It sometimes feels like a careful balancing act.  Whatever you
do, you will be criticized by one side of the political fence or the other.

Those on the left do not want any shows which have any villains whatsoever.
 A puppeteer in our community was screamed at by a woman -- during her
performance -- because the villain in her play was a wolf.  She went on and
on about how wolves are beautiful creatures, misunderstood, etc., etc.  Now,
keep in mind, this puppeteer *has* a show with a "positive" wolf in it, but
she happened to be performing another story at this time.

We have also been told by this faction that our shows are too violent, (when
they are extremely tame), that we don't show enough "people of color" in our
productions (when they are mostly animals -- figure *that* one out), and a
few other things.

On the right, we have had people complain at the local Puppet Theater because
a group showed a witch in Hansel and Gretel -- go figure.  You would hope
that a reasonably intelligent person would *know* there was a witch in Hansel
and Gretel.  I understand from speaking with other puppeteers that it is
extremely difficult to book any shows with dragons, magic, or the like in the
central valley of California.

So, now let me get all this straight.  Can't have villains.  Can't show
negative images of anyone.  Must be balanced in all presentations.  Can't use
any magic, witchcraft, or anything mystical.  What's left?????

On a separate thought.  Is it censorship if someone declines to book you
because they don't agree with the content of your show?  I would tend to
think no.  Don't we all do this every day?  I don't go see a movie if the
subject offends me, that's isn't censorship -- it's the marketplace.  When we
get into a dangerous area is when people tell us we shouldn't be showing that
material -- then my anger begins to rise.

Just another thought in this arena.

Icarus Puppet Company

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