File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 184

Subject: Re:  Puppet Voices
Date: Fri, 06 Dec 1996 12:23:46 CST

In the original post by Jim Maroon, he stated that the "Group" of
diaphragm, lungs, vocal cords, mouth cavity, tongue, teeth, lips
and nasal cavity:  It is important for us to avoid lumping things
together incorrectly which can lead the uninformed person to draw
the wrong conclusion.  One must be precise because generalizations
can and do lead to incorrect interpretations.

I suspect that when Jim maroon thinks he is tightening the vocal
folds he is, in fact, telling us what he feels is going on in
response to what the task is.  The vocal do not respond that way. 
What is probably happening is that there is a restriction of the
pharyngeal rea and it feels like the vocal folds are tightening. 
The vocal folds are probably open to fully allow breathing.

I respect that he does have control of his vocal tools.  But, a
word of caution, let us seek to inform others more completely and
factually.  We would ask that of others when we seek advice!

Jim Malone

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