File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 187

Subject: Re: Gay & Lesbian Puppeteers
Date: Fri, 6 Dec 96 10:16:46 -0800
From: Jay Jennings <>

>Jay, I fear you missed the boat ! <g>
>>>Gay and Lesbian artists need our respect, appreciation and solidarity.
>>Because they're gay and lesbian??? I don't think so. In the field of 
>Of COURSE not "because they're gay and lesbian", but IN SPITE of it if they
>are good performers, people, human beings, ect., and because a lot of
>wrong-minded individuals tend to judge them and their work not on it's
>artistic merits and worth and penalize them professionally simply "because
>they're gay and lesbian". A sad commentary, but still quite true.

David -

If the original poster didn't mean they deserve respect because they're 
gay & lesbian, then why wasn't the statement, "Artists need our respect, 
appreciation and solidarity." 

As far as people who judge an artist on their sexual preference rather 
than the art, how does something like that come up? Well, unless they 
bill themselves as, "Bob the Gay Puppeteer." My sexuality has never come 
up in booking a show. (There, we've come back around to puppetry in this 
discussion. :)

 Jay Jennings

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