File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 27

Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 17:20:59 -0500
Subject: Re: Bufano and

In a message dated 11/19/96 10:55:28 PM, John Bell wrote:

>We (Leslee Ash of the Henson Foundation, Barbara Stratyner of
>NYPL and myself) exhibited two of Bufano's _Oedipus Rex_ puppets at the
>recent "Puppets and Performing Objects in the Twentieth Century"
>exhibition at the Lincoln Center Library for the Performing Arts.  
>Although some of the Oedipus puppets are in Detroit, Oedipus and Jocasta
>are part of the Brander Matthews Collection at Columbia University. 

>We had hoped to reunite all the Oedipus puppets for the exhibition, but
>could not get a response from Detroit; I can't help but feel that if Audley
>Grossman were still alive something would have worked out.

I agree about Audley Grossman, John, but sadly, he isn't and the times and
circumstances are so different. 
I'm surprised you got no response at all from Detroit, but even good-mannered
folk, when they are up against it, let some things slip through their
fingers. ;-)
I had reason to contact the Detroit Museum a while back about the puppet
collection and discovered that after Audley Grossman's death, no one replaced
him as curator. (I think Ellen Proctor may have had a hand in maintaining the
collection, but I don't know for how long.) I mentioned earlier a Mr. William
Peck, who was very kind to me concerning my inquiry. He said that because of
funding problems, staff was reduced and he was doing double duty - not only
overseeing his own department but keeping an eye on the puppet collection as
well. I also know that because of time and staff constraints, some requests
for assistance had to be denied. 

As you probably know, the logistics of "loaning out" even a small object by a
museum are considerable. Paperwork, preparation and proper packing to name
but a part of the routine for sending an ordinary object. Consider then, the
problems involved with shipping several twelve to fifteen foot high rod

On the up side, rumors are stirring about the puppetry collection. It has
been somewhat neglected for a long time but I understand (and hope) that that
may soon change. I only get snippets of information and there are others on
this list who know more than I about the situation there. We should all be

For whatever it's worth......................
Fred Thompson

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