File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 29

Date: Wed, 20 Nov 1996 18:20:50 -0200
Subject: Re: hand ballet

Actually, I remember few "details", but he performed in the booth, just like
with puppets and at first I thought, "hmmmmm, just hands, wonder what this
will be", but the hands just "became" dancers and it was truly an experience
and I'm sure it was to music of course but the details just don't come
except that it was "surprising" and his hands were the characters -  you had
no doubts of the mood and the intent.  Perhaps they have a tape in the
archives of the P of A.  I used to chafe (since I had a video recorder) that
they were so strict about your not using it and only "one" designated person
allowed to tape.  I guess they feared that one would steal the material or
something when most of us just wanted to take some of the "goodies" back to
show to the local Guild members that couldn't/didn't come to the Festival.
I do have some tape of the 1980 Unima/P of A Festival in D. C. at least some
of the outside performers, Pot Porri, and scenes here and there around but
then I wasn't able to be there all the time and spent most of it going to
the performances that I wanted to see and you really can't tape in a theater
without prior setup.

At 08:27 PM 11/19/96 -0700, you wrote:
>>Burr also performed "live" at the Festival in Kent, Ohio (I think it was
>>that one) and did a "hand ballet" with just bare hands that was unbelievable
>Can you describe it in more detail.  It sounds really fascinating.
>Carol  C:o)
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