File spoon-archives/puptcrit.archive/puptcrit_1996/96-12-07.052, message 30

Date: Thu, 21 Nov 1996 01:06:59 -0500
Subject: Re: Roses

In a message dated 96-11-20 17:24:04 EST, writes:

<< I will confess to an ignorance of the existence of this character, Sandra
 Witch, from the Howdy show. I have seen all of the Howdy figures at Margo's
 and don't recall this one. Would you describe her for me?  >>

Clever name which I would never copy--Sandy Witch. She was the original to
me. She wore black raggy bottom clothes, had a large wart on her nose, and
was permanently seated on a broom,. I doubt she had legs. Great marionette
since she could fly around. She often cast spells to foil Howdy and Buffalo
Bob. I am dashed to learn she may have been burned. She was a good witch
underneath her witchyness! Ask Margo if she remembers this puppet.

<<She'll be 94 on January 31, '97.>>

Wow, Happy birthday Margo Rose! We were just noting tonight that the next
O'Neill Conference is June 14-22. Hope to see you, Margo and Jim there, if
not before then.


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